
CLB sends out a dedicated newsletter to our subscribers each month that focuses on the most recent trends and developments in worker activism and work safety in China.

Bullet Points - February 2024

Photograph: APChanel / Shutterstock.com

Letter from the Editors

Happy Chinese New Year from China Labour Bulletin!

CLB analysed labour data collected in 2023, which shows that the post-pandemic economy has been disastrous for the manufacturing and construction industries and the workers. Companies across sectors are adapting to the changing economy in different ways, affecting workers legal rights and employment opportunities. Workers have resorted to collective action and flocked to the service industry, but changing consumer habits are making this refuge equally precarious. 

In this environment, foreign and local corporations, together with local and enterprise unions must pay their due diligence to the working conditions in their supplier companies and apply disengagement strategies responsibly, which CLB has worked to ensure.

In a side session to 2024 OECD forum, SOMO and CLB will present our findings and discuss how robust due diligence can enhance protection for the rights of Chinese workers in international supply chains. Register here for this Friday night! 

CLB sincerely wishes the economic changes could empower Chinese workers and lead to a just transition that workers participate in and benefit from.

Thanks for reading! 
CLB Editors

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