Employer Sentenced for Forced Overtime

20 February 2002
The director of a privately-owned garment plant in the coastal province of Zhejiang received a suspended sentence of one year imprisonment and a fine of RMB 30,000 in mid-February for forcing his employees to work overtime in conditions which resulted in injuries.

All exit doors at the plant were normally locked and security guards were employed to stop employees from leaving without permission. On 23 April, 2001, workers were forced to work overtime overnight. At 2.00 am, three workers tried to escape by climbing down from the windows from their workshop which was on the third floor. One worker was injured as a result. On 28 July, a migrant worker tried to resign after working at the plant for three days. When his request was refused, he jumped from a window and was injured.

The plant director had previously threatened his employees with heavy penalties and fines if they tried to resign.

(Source: China's news agencies)

Online: 2002-02-20
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