English Language Reports
Global Supply Chain
Report on grievances in China's manufacturing sector and CLB's approach in leveraging company promises and the Supply Chain Acts in Europe.
- NEW! Breaking the Mould: Germany's Supply Chain Act as a New Approach to Global Labour Rights Accountability
- Bridging Workers' Rights in China’s Manufacturing Sector with Global Supply Chain Tools: A Case-Oriented Approach
(SOMO and CLB) Chain of Consequences–How Chinese workers pay for supply chain de-risking
The Workers' Movement in China
- Reimagining Workers' Rights in China
- China’s Walmart workers: Creating an opportunity for genuine trade unionism
- Over-worked and under-paid: The long-running battle of China’s teachers for decent work
- The Workers’ Movement in China: 2015-2017
- Searching for the Union:The Workers’ Movement in China 2011-13
- A Decade of Change: The Workers’ Movement in China 2000-2010
- Unity is Strength: The Workers' Movement in China 2009-2011
- Going it Alone: The Workers’ Movement in China (2007-2008)
- Speaking Out: The Workers’ Movement in China, 2005-2006
- No Way Out: Worker Activism in China’s State-Owned Enterprise Reforms
- The Liaoyang Workers’ Struggle: Portrait of a Movement
Migrant, Student and Overseas Workers etc.
In-depth reports examining the issues affecting China's migrant workers and their families: getting a decent wage, hazardous working conditions and the social and employment discrimination they face in the cities and overseas.
- Throwaway Labour: The exploitation of Chinese "trainees" in Japan
- Hired on Sufferance: China’s migrant workers in Singapore
- The Mass Production of Labour: The exploitation of students in China’s vocational school system
- Paying the Price for Economic Development: The Children of Migrant Workers in China
- Small Hands: A Survey Report on Child Labour in China
- Falling Through the Floor: Migrant Women Workers' Quest for Decent Work in Dongguan, China
Health and Safety
A series of investigations into one of the most critical issues faced by workers in China today, high rates of work-related accidents and deaths, and the tremendous difficulties workers encounter in claiming compensation for occupational disease.
- Time to Pay the Bill: China’s obligation to the victims of pneumoconiosis
- The Hard Road: Seeking justice for victims of pneumoconiosis in China
- Help or Hindrance to Workers: China's Institutions of Public Redress
- Bone and Blood: The Price of Coal in China
- Deadly Dust: The Silicosis Epidemic among Guangdong Jewellery Workers
Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining
Research report on collective bargaining efforts in the Global South.
Research reports and commentaries that examine the attempts of the Chinese government and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) to manage labour relations in China.
- Waiting for Weiquan: Worker rights protection at the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
- Holding China’s trade unions to account: An in-depth investigation into the All-China Federation of Trade Union’s reform initiative
- Understanding and resolving the fundamental problems in China’s construction industry
- Swimming against the Tide: A short history of labour conflict in China and the government’s attempts to control it
- Protecting Workers’ Rights or Serving the Party: The way forward for China’s trade unions
- Breaking the Impasse: Promoting Worker Involvement in the Collective Bargaining and Contracts Process
Foreign Language Executive Summaries
- Vers la négociation collective en Chine ? Le cas de l’entreprise Yue Yuen
- En quête d’une organisation syndicale: Les mouvements de travailleurs en Chine (2011-2013)
- Nager à contre courant: Une courte histoire des conflits au travail en Chine et les tentatives du gouvernement de les contrôler
- Payer le Prix du Développement Économique: Les Enfants de travailleurs migrants en Chine
- Un chemin tortueux: A la recherche d’une justice pour les victimes de pneumoconiose
- Y Arriver Tout Seul: Le Mouvement des Travailleurs en Chine (2007-2008)
- Protéger les Ouvriers ou Servir le Parti: Le futur des syndicats chinois
- A feu et à sang: le prix du charbon en Chine
- Les Petites Mains: Une étude sur le travail juvénile et la faillite du système scolaire dans la Chine rurale
- Poussière Mortelle: L’épidémie de silicose parmi les ouvriers de l’industrie joaillière au Guangdong et les défauts du système de prévention et de dédommagement des maladies professionnelles
- Den Preis des Wirtschaftsbooms zu Bezahlen: Die Kinder der chinesischen Wanderarbeiter
- Es alleine Schaffen: Die Arbeiterbewegung in China (2007-2008)
- Die Arbeiter Schützen oder der Partei dienen: Die Zukunft der chinesischen Gewerkschaften
- Blut und Knochen: der Kohlenpreis in China
- Kleine Hände: Eine Untersuchung zur Kinderarbeit und zum Scheitern des Schulsystems im ländlichen China
- Überarbeitet und unterbezahlt Der langandauernde Kampf der Lehrkräfte Chinas für gute Arbeitsbedingungen
- Un decennio di cambiamento: Il movimento degli operai in Cina 2000-2012
- Nuotare contro corrente: Breve storia dei conflitti al lavoro in Cina e dei successivi tentativi el governo per controllarli
- Costretti a Pagare il Prezzo dello Svillupo Economico: I Figli dei Lavoratori Migranti in Cina
- Una strada difficile da percorrere: Giustizia per le vittime di pneumoconiosi in Cina
- Farcela da soli: Il Movimento dei Lavoratori in Cina (2007-2008)
- Proteggere gli Operai o Servire il Partito
- Sangue ed Ossa: il Prezzo del Carbone in Cina
- Piccole mani: Un’ indagine sul lavoro minorile e il fallimento del sistema scolastico nella Cina rurale
- Polvere Mortale: L’epidemia di silicosi tra gli operai dell’industria delle gemme in Guangdong e le mancanze/insufficienze del sistema di prevenzione e di risarcimento in caso di malattia professionale