China Labour Action Express No. 1 (2002-07-11)

11 July 2002
Yesterday (July 10), around 30 local trade unionists and labour activists marched to the office of the PRC Foreign Affairs Commissioner in Hong Kong to demand for the immediate release of the detained workers' representatives in Liaoyang. The action was staged in solidarity with brothers and sisters all over the world on 'July 10 -- International Day of Action to Release the Liaoyang Five', which was jointly launched by CLB and the International Liaison Committee for a Worker' International (ILC).

Please go to this page ( for an account of the protest action.

At the Commissioner's office, an open letter to the Chinese government demanding for the immediate release of the four detained workers' representatives was read out. The letter was jointly issued by Asia Monitor Resource Center, China Labour Bulletin, Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee and Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions.

Please go to for the full text.
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