Wall Street Journal: Best of the China Blogs: June 18

19 June 2008

China Labour Bulletin appears in this article. Copyright remains with the original publisher

–The year 2008 has already seen several new laws that benefit workers coming into effect. Is the right to strike next on the agenda? A trade union official writes that it’s just a step away for workers in the south China manufacturing hub of Shenzhen. [China Labour Bulletin]

–An earthquake primer for journalists. Notes from a discussion by quake experts at the Foreign Correspondents Club of China. [Zhongnanhai]

–Since the official Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily ran an editorial on Obama earlier this week, American China watchers have been talking more about how people in China view the Democratic presidential candidate. Here are some student perspectives, via their foreign teacher. [The Chinese Teaching Web]

–Bad for you? Yes, but the packaging is so pretty. A gallery of Chinese cigarette art. [Virtual China]

–Banned by Beijing: students in dorms. Some universities in the capital are telling students that they must leave their dorm rooms over the summer. The official reason has something to do with “the safety of the dormitories.” Others suspect it’s because of the Olympics. [Truth From Facts]

-Sky Canaves

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