A daily look at what we’re reading.

null–What price growth? Human rights groups argue in a report that China’s economic miracle has come at the expense of millions of workers at China’s state-owned companies. [China Labour Bulletin]

– “Just as slow, probably twice the price”: Tech bloggers react to a media report says Apple and China Mobile will release the iPhone in China without 3G or Wi-Fi functionality. Judging by the number of black-market iPhones we see in Beijing, one would think they’ve been released already. [Gizmodo/HK Tech Phooey]

– “Local protectionism”: An editorial in the China Youth Daily calls for producers to tainted milk products to simply shutter their doors — an unusual event for major companies with significant backing in their own backyards. [China Media Project]

– Why Tsinghua University officials so quickly and so publicly condemned a hacker’s defacement of the school’s Web site. [Asia Sentinel]

– Maybe they found some sort of time-bending wormhole? State news agency Xinhua posts an article about China’s successful space launch yesterday, including snippets of dialogue between the astronauts. The problem: The article was posted before the actual launch. [China Bystander]

– It may not be much of a weekend in China, as many workers will be at their stations Saturday and Sunday to make up for next week’s observance of the founding of modern China. [Sinosplice]

– Carlos Tejada