A daily look at what we’re reading.

null–Two separate incidents show different sides to China’s complex views concerning police and crime. [Global Voices Online]

–The big payback: China’s sovereign wealth fund claims it will get all its $5 billion investment back from a frozen U.S. money market fund. Here’s a reason the U.S. might want to see that claim through. [China Herald]

–The Christmas season is already underway for China’s manufacturers as they rush to make the Western world’s gifts. But this year, the rush has lost its edge as the U.S. economy slows. [Economic Observer Online]

–A migrant worker gets widespread attention as he continues to pursue a former employer despite winning a judgment against the factory. [China Labour Bulletin]

–Simplified or traditional? The complexities of including Chinese in the world’s Internet standards. [Sinobyte]

–Carlos Tejada