Open hearing promised for trial of Huang Qingnan’s alleged attackers

14 January 2009

After numerous delays and obfuscation, the trial of Shenzhen labour activist Huang Qingnan’s alleged attackers is finally set to get underway at the Longgang District People’s Court on Friday 16 January.

The trial was originally scheduled for 24 December 2008 but the court house claimed it could not accommodate the nearly 60 observers and supporters from Shenzhen and Hong Kong who wished to attend. As such, Huang’s lawyer was left with no option but to ask for an adjournment.


Huang Qingnan and supporters outside Shenzhen’s Longagng
courthouse on 24 December 2008. Photo courtesy of Worker Empowerment.

Huang Qingnan was savagely attacked outside the Dagongzhe Migrant Workers Centre in Shenzhen on 20 November 2007, and the following January five men were arrested in connection with the case.

The Longgang court has promised that the trial of the five accused will be an open hearing. CLB hopes this will be the case, and that all those who wish to observe the trial are allowed to do so. This is a very important case in terms of protecting and upholding workers’ rights and it is essential that justice is seen to be done.

For more information on the trial and how to support Huang Qingnan contact Suzanne Wu 胡穂珊 at Worker Empowerment on 852 8135148 or write to

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