Over 100 workers detained in Liangshan

26 September 2003
More than 10 Liangshan Steel Factory workers detained during a protest against the local government’s heavy handed retrenchment policies.

[Broadcast on September 26, 2003]

On 20 and 21 September, over 400 workers from the Liangshan Steel Factory [LSF] protested against the government’s unilateral behaviour during the retrenchment process at the factory based in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. They hoisted slogans and banners up in front of the Liangshan Prefectural Government building and asked for the government to consult the workers’ representatives while estimating retrenchment compensations. More than 40 workers were detained on 20 September and more than 100 the next day. According to reliable sources, more than 10 workers are still detained a week after the protest. Han Dongfang interviewed one of the protesters from LSF.


It was last week, Saturday, about 400 people joined [the protest].

Han Dongfang [Han]:

Did you post any banners or slogans up?


We did hoist banners last Saturday - just by the government building. One said; “Be Supportive of the Three Represents [Theory] , Long Live the Communist Party of China” and the other one said, “Who contaminates Policies? Restore to us the Three Represents”.[note 1]


How many policemen were sent there?


100 to 200 riot police. On Saturday [20 September] at nighttime, they seized about 40 protestors and released them the next day. I was not there on Sunday but it was said that more than 100 people were arrested.


So have all detainees been released yet?


No, not really.


Are those still under arrest the workers’ representatives?


Some of them yes but most are simply spontaneous protestors.


Did some volunteer to be the workers’ representatives during the protests against the government?


Well, when we staged the sit-in protest by the government buildings, the government asked us to elect 10 representatives. Nobody volunteered because we simply didn’t believe in those low-rank officials’ word when they said they would arrange a meeting with the secretary of the prefectural committee.

He explained that the cause of the protest was the government’s Work Group on Bankruptcy & Liquidation which had completely ignored the workers’ representatives’ objection to the division of workers into 3 categories [which would get differing amounts of compensation]. Workers also thought the compensation was too low, for instance, workers from the lowest category could only receive RMB 900 for each year of service.


When the retrenchment policy was announced, we found the compensation of RMB 910.25 was simply too less.


Is that the amount for each year of service?




Who made the estimates?


The Prefectural government formed a Work Group of Bankruptcy & Liquidation to do that task.


Did it consult with the workers before the announcement of the figures?


No. In fact, our workers’ representatives raised the issue several times in previous meetings but the work group didn’t consider this at all. It divided workers into three categories. You know, according to the Frontal Labour Allocation Policy implemented in 1996, we workers would fall into 3 categories after the factory’s bankruptcy – as fixed-term workers, contract-workers and shifted-farmer workers. [Note 2]


Do the fixed-term workers receive a higher compensation than the other two and shifted-farmer workers receive the least?




Are all the workers protesting for the same thing?


Yes, we have the same demand but the government just ignores us.


How many workers are involved in the retrenchment?


Including the cadres [officials], there are 1,769 workers.

A work unit chief of LSF also told CLB that all cadres in the factory were also not satisfied with the compensation.

Work Unit Chief:

The compensation is too less and this affects everybody.


Was the compensation drawn up by the government or by the factory?

Work Unit Chief:

The government.


What is the exact estimate?

Work Unit Chief:

It is about some 900 to 1000 RMB [for each year of services].


How about you?

Work Unit Chief:

I would have some 1000 RMB.


Is it the case that only some workers [in lower positions] are not satisfied with the compensation while the cadres are quite happy with it?

Work Unit Chief:

No, definitely not. Nobody likes these compensation terms.

The worker CLB interviewed before described what the trade union had done in the protest:


The trade union came to persuade us to drop the protest.


Then did it negotiate with the government on behalf of the workers when it asked you to drop the protest?




Did you know that the 14th National Congress of All-China Federation of Trade Unions is taking place right at the moment?


No, I didn’t know.


Then have you heard that “enhancing the trade union’s role in guarding the workers’ rights” was the theme for the congress?


No, no idea, but you know the government trade union only works for the government.

A cadre from Liangshan Prefectural Trade Union concealed the news of LSF workers’ protest as internal and top secret when CLB called to inquire.

Trade Union Cadre:

I can’t tell you over the phone. It is our regulation; cases of this sort can only be discussed through internal confidential papers.


But is it still a secret?

Trade Union Cadre:

Yes, it is a secret.


Why should it be?

Trade Union Cadre:

You know what you have just asked is secret with the highest confidentiality; it is not ordinary secret [internal] materials.


But everyone knows about this protest of several hundred workers?

Trade Union Cadre:

Well, what you asked is secret, but it might not apply to what you saw. Anyway I can’t confide any secret information you have asked.


Did they block the roads then?

Trade Union Cadre:

I can’t answer this, it is not allowed in our confidential policy.

A sergeant from Liaoyang Prefectural Public Security Bureau [PSB] admitted that they have arrested workers active in the protest.


Oh yes, [we arrested] those who provoked it [the protest].


Did they commit any crime?


Sure, they did.


What sort of crime?


Hmm…well smashing things, intentionally attacking the government, like smashing in government departments’ windows, doors.


Then was the damage severe?


I don’t know that in detail.

The worker CLB interviewed before admitted that they staged a road blockade on Saturday, 20 September in order to guard their livelihood but they did not cause any damage, such as smashing and attacking government departments.


No, we didn’t do any smashing, attacking and robbery acts. We just fought for our livelihood and tried to talk it over with the government. We didn’t stir up any trouble. It is true that we blocked the roads, for a few hours and blocked the prefectural government entrance for about 3 hours last Saturday.


What will the workers do next?


We will continue to demand the government to solve the case lawfully.


Do the workers dare to continue the protest after the arrest of their fellow workers?


Well, we have to.


Note 1/ The “Theory of Three Represents” was raised by Jiang Zemin, the ex-president of China, as the indication of the future policies of the Party. It states that the party must “represent the development needs of the most advanced forces of production, the orientation of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the majority of China’s people.”

Reference: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2003-06/17/content_923052.htm

Note 2/ Due to rapid industrialization in the last two decades, enterprises were allowed to recruit farmers from other districts, who became known as “Shifted-farmer” or “ex-rural” workers. According to Chapter 1.4, the regulation issued in 1991, the State Council stated that shifted-farmer workers should have the same benefit as the other types of workers.

Reference: http://www.gzlss.gov.cn/main_file.php/zcfg/865

In another paper the government issued in 2002, shifted-farmer workers and contract workers should be compensated with the same terms as fixed-term workers; although it is not clear if this policy applies equally throughout the country.

Reference: http://www.gzlss.gov.cn/main_file.php/zcfg/656

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