Women Workers in Lanzhou Chemical Corp Win Retirement Struggle

06 May 2002

The government of the northwestern province of Gansu has agreed to stop a new retirement policy for women workers, in the wake of street protests waged by hundreds of women workers from the Lanzhou Chemical Corporation which began on 22 April, 2002.

The women workers protested against an earlier decision by the local government to raise the age of pension entitlement from 50 to 55. The workers were unhappy because the new measure would mean not only that they would not be receiving the pension, but also that they would have to pay pension contribution for five more years.

On 26 April, the protesters, who have been staging road blockades, suspended their demonstrations and demanded a reply from the local authorities by 28 April. On 27 April, the labour bureau of Gansu province announced a suspension of the proposed new policy.

(Source: China Labour Bulletin)


Related reports:

CLB Press Release on Workers’ Protests in Liaoyang and Lanzhou (2002-04-23)

Daqing Oil Workers' Protests Spread to Lanzhou; Further Arrests in Daqing

News and articles about Daqing, Liaoying, Guangyuan labour struggle

International response to Daqing, Liaoying, Guangyuan labour struggle

Interview on Daqing, Liaoying, and Guangyuan labour struggle

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