A daily look at what we’re reading.


–The chimera of “Chindia” revealed! Our colleagues at Buzzwatch have a book review on China as seen through Indian eyes, highlighting some of the key differences between these billion-strong and often-misunderstood countries. [Buzzwatch]

–The south China boomtown of Shenzhen has raised its monthly minimum wage nearly 20% to 1000 yuan ($144). That’s the country’s highest minimum wage, but is it a living wage? [China Labour Bulletin]

–A look into over 11 billion yuan worth of investment projects in the Sichuan provincial capital of Chengdu. While most of the plans were made well before the May 12 earthquake, several firms have announced significant increases in their investments since then. A new take on corporate social responsibility? [All Roads Lead to China]

–Only in China: A publication invests in the Shanghai stock market, setting up what it calls the “Capitalist Roader Fund,” with all investment decisions made by editorial committee. Read about their first investment here. [China Economic Review]

–Terracotta warriors come alive to fight the Chinese cola wars. Pepsi’s new commercial for the China market on YouTube (it’s pretty much all action, no words). [Madison Boom]

–Chirping birds have returned to Shanghai. Environmental lawyer Charlie McElwee considers the improvements in the city’s natural habitat. [China Environmental Law Blog]

Alltop’s China page carries a good deal of English-language blog feeds (including from this blog). [china.alltop.com]

-Sky Canaves