
CLB sends out a dedicated newsletter to our subscribers each month that focuses on the most recent trends and developments in worker activism and work safety in China.

Student workers cheated out of their summer pay

07 September 2017
Gym employees refused payment
Dramatic protest at waterpark

More than 100 students took summer jobs for two months at a waterpark in Jianhu, Jiangsu, only to be paid a few hundred yuan. When the boss delayed their full salary payments, the students took action.

One student climbed to the top of a stage during a variety show at the park on 30 August and threatened to jump. The student was coaxed down with the promise of payment, but when no money came the students blockaded the entrance to the park with benches and dump trucks.

Students and their parents flooded the local police department demanding action. Police eventually apprehended the owner of the park and demanded that he pay the 430,000 yuan owed to the students. 

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