Shedding Light on China's Child Labour Problem

10 June 2005
June 12th is Global Anti-Child Labour Day, and in this bulletin we'll be focusing on the growing and increasingly complex problem of child labour in China. While many hope that China's booming economy might lead to a gradual elimination of this problem, at this point it seems to be getting worse. As China's economy grows, so does China's child labour problem provides a broad overview of both the problem and perception of child labour in Chinese society. Child Flower Sellers is an in-depth study into one specific industry that sheds light on the problem of child labour in China as a whole. Finally, A first-person account of life as an underage jewellery worker is an interview conducted with an adolescent boy who, at 16, is already a veteran in the harsh world of China's semi-precious stonecutting industry. Taken together, these three reports offer a broad and deep overview of the economic and social problems contributing to the phenomenon of child labour in China.
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