Limits of the ACFTU for Daqing Workers

30 April 2002

"We haven't played any role. The DPAB management have been making all the arrangements and not asked us to take part. We have not been able to say or do anything. You're asking us where we stand on the matter, but the workers themselves have opted for direct talks with the DPAB leaders."

(Daqing Workers Cheated into Signing Severance Agreements)

"Because if the trade union doesn’t uphold workers’ rights, then the workers will go and find an organisation that does. He [ACFTU president] meant that the union cannot permit this."

(The Limits of the ACFTU for Daqing Workers)

Yet, other officials also feel sympathetic towards the workers' grievances.

"We certainly can’t solve the problem, who can? We can only swallow our anger."

(Talking to a Daqing official about retrenchment)


Online: 2002-04-30

News and articles about Daqing, Liaoying, Guangyuan labour struggle

International response to Daqing, Liaoying, Guangyuan labour struggle

Interview on Daqing, Liaoying, and Guangyuan labour struggle

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