Health and Safety Committees [background]

26 May 2005

Without the right to form unions and with only the state sanctioned official union there is little help for workers wanting to protect themselves from unscrupulous employers.

The workers themselves have the legal right to stop work in unsafe conditions, but they are never allowed to exercise this right and are denied the right to establish health and safety committees which would protect their lives and limbs. Instead factories and enterprise continue to flout national and international regulations on health and safety making China a deadly place to work.

China Labour Bulletin is campaigning to put an end to the needless deaths and injuries of thousands of Chinese workers. We believe that Chinese workers must be allowed to establish health and safety committees in workplaces as they are the ones with the most to lose from working in unsafe conditions.

CLB also calls for acceptable wages and safe working conditions for Chinese workers and the proper implementation of regulations on work safety

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