
CLB sends out a dedicated newsletter to our subscribers each month that focuses on the most recent trends and developments in worker activism and work safety in China.

Bullet Points - Dec 2024 : Factory workers continue to take action, but labour disputes have not yet entered into collective bargaining

Letter from the Editors

In the last month of 2024, migrant workers continued to be owed wages while countless protests stemmed from factory relocations. Wage arrears cases remained the majority of incidents we monitored on the calls-for-help map. In December, sanitation workers in many places went on strike due to unpaid wages.

This month, China Labour Bulletin continued to monitor worker protests at several companies in Shanghai and contacted their local unions. Workers had a series of strikes and protests, unions did not negotiate with management on their behalf; instead, they engaged in "collective negotiation competitions." "Do not pretend to work hard because the result will not accompany you!" This also applies to trade union organisations. Enhancing workers' awareness of collective negotiation is not done by engaging in formalistic competitions or question-and-answer games but by dealing with labour conflicts again and again.

Thanks for reading!

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