
CLB sends out a dedicated newsletter to our subscribers each month that focuses on the most recent trends and developments in worker activism and work safety in China.

Bullet Points - August 2024

Photo credit: Jenson/ Shutterstock.com

Letter from the Editors

This month CLB published a new report, Breaking the Mould: Germany's Supply Chain Act as a New Approach to Global Labour Rights Accountability. This report examines nine recent case of labour rights violations within the Chinese supply chains of multinational companies in the manufacturing sector, exhibiting both the potential and the challenges of enforcing high labour standards on an international scale. Through the investigations, CLB uncovered severe labour abuses, such as excessive working hours, unsafe conditions, and suppression of worker activism, in the Chinese supply chains. 

The report has a special focus on German firms accountable under Germany’s pioneering Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. The Act represents a groundbreaking shift in corporate responsibility, setting a new standard for global business practices by requiring companies to identify, assess, and address human rights and environmental risks within their supply chains.

Download the full text PDF here. 

Thanks for reading!

CLB editors

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