Selected excerpts from a Xinhua report on the Mengjiagou coal mine disaster

27 March 2003
Xinhua 27 March 2003 11.05am

Jiaoyi city Shanxi province

Mengnanzhuang coal mine, a previously collectively held enterprise, now privately owned, had been operating without appropriate licensing for quite a while. They have been producing approximately 150,000 tons of coal a year, and last year profits exceeded 6 million rmb.

On February 20th the Safety Regulation Department carried out an inspection of the mines and discovered that the operation license had expired. They immediately informed the management that the mine needed to stop production. However, on the 10th and the 11th of March, inspectors returned again only to find that production had not stopped.

The mine was found to be in violation of a number of laws and regulations such as inadequate ventilation and air shafts.

The manager of the mine was rather inexperienced, and was not inclined to listen to the workers requests and demands. There was a high turnover rate among the workers, and many migrant workers that did not have sufficient training were employed in the mine.

On March 22 an electrical engineer was working in the mineshaft, and without authorization switched off the ventilation system. This led directly to an increase in the amount of gas in the mine shaft which in turn caused an explosion.

Upon questioning the owner of the mine insisted that safety was of utmost importance, but that he was not directly involved in the management of the mine.

Privately owned enterprises account for approximately 70% of the work-place accidents and deaths in the country.

Last year 36 large accidents occurred in town and village coal mines, 19 of which were operating without the appropriate certification.

Taken from Xinhua on
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