
CLB sends out a dedicated newsletter to our subscribers each month that focuses on the most recent trends and developments in worker activism and work safety in China.

Worker unrest spreads to the luxury goods and services sector

03 August 2016
Caddies on strike in Shanghai
Calvin Klein beauticians stage protest

Beauticians and sales staff working at Calvin Klein makeup booths in Chongqing’s high-end shopping malls organized an online protest on 26 July demanding three months of unpaid wages from ADE China, a third party distributor with sales rights for Calvin Klein products in China.

The staff took pictures of themselves at their booths holding placards with their handwritten demands. ADE had issued staff a notice on 20 July stating that Calvin Klein’s makeup line planned to leave the Chinese market and shut down its booths by the end of July. However ADE had failed to pay sales staff their wages in full.

Four days later on 30 July, Bulgari sales staff in Shanghai staged a similar online selfie-protest at their shopping mall stations demanding payment of four months wages in arrears.

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